Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Initial Pattern List: Setting the Stage for a Pattern Language approach to NRM

So in further discussions with Ray Jussaume (my Chair) it has come to my attention that he has been trying to conceptualize in a concrete way the relevance of patterns and pattern languages in the context of Natural Resource Management. Of course I see the relevance, but for him and others associated with my PhD pursuit find themselves grappling with my in-adequate explanations.

Considering this I have thought it necessary to do two things for him and others. First, I will be constructing a list of patterns I feel are relevant to the work, and second, I will construct over the next couple of weeks a visual representation (using a concept map approach) of this list along with other patterns specifically related to Indigenous Forestry Management in the Chota-Nagpur plateau of India.

NRM Pattern Language (one possible list):
1. The Commons
2. The Good Life

3. Collective Decision Making
4. Sustainable Design
5. Earth's Vital Signs
6. Matrifocal Orientation

7. Meaningful Maps
8. Citizen Access to Simulations
9. Conversational Support Across Boundaries
10. Durable Assets

11. Voices of the Unheard
12. Civic Capabilities
13. Sustainability Appraisal - (to be applied in NRM as opposed to ICT)
14. Appreciative Collaboration

15. Self-Designed Development
16. Community Inquiry
17. Power Research

Now, obviously this is just a start, but in drawing from other places such as Alexander's own patterns as well as perhaps those developed by Eco-Trust it is possible to begin ebbing closer to a vision of a NRM centered pattern language. And despite the incompleteness here I think the list begins to serve as an introduction into the notion that these patterns which exist separated within various domains possess useful relationships which can be applied as templates for seemingly unrelated uses.

But perhaps, more importantly for the purpose of this exercise others might be able to navigate the list and begin making connections between NRM, planning, sustainability and the utilization of patterns.

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